Local Area

This is a wonderful area for walking – the unspoiled upland wilderness of the Auvergne, in the mountainous centre of France, the Massif Central. Bostfaucher is a small hamlet, 730 metres above sea level, on a hillside above the valley of the river Dore. We are in the national park of the Livradois-Forez, on the eastern side of the Puy de Dome, a 10 minute drive from the lovely little market town of Ambert.

You will find a great network of paths and tracks, and rarely used country roads to walk along. The landscape, which is of volcanic origin, is one of mountain forests, and rolling pastures. It provides the habitat for abundant wildlife, including a tremendous variety of birds – from black kites to red-backed shrikes, serins, buzzards, cirl buntings…and many more, often to be seen from our garden or the immediate vicinity. We have binoculars available for you to use, for bird-watching, which can be a very contemplative and inspiring activity. Also a special pair for the close observation of insects and flowers.

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